Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam Hussein To Be Executed by 10 PM EST

The End

Also, a link to an interesting editorial from TIME on how executing Saddam just before the Sunni holy day will make him a martyr.

The Making of a Martyr?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Saddam Hussein To Hang By Sunday

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

John Edwards Running For President

Monday, December 25, 2006

James Brown Dies

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Bush Considering Spending 10 Billion To Put Iraqi's To Work

Unbelievable! This better be a farce. Can you imagine what 10 billion could do to put Americans to work? And he wants to spend 10 billion on people who are killing each other? Iraq has to stop imploding before it starts reconstructing. Who advises Bush, or does he come up with these schemes all by himself?

Bush Wants To Put Iraqi's To Work...What About Us?

Welcome To My Guest Blog

YouTube Karaoke...what a cool site! The site has YouTube karaoke clips with the words to the songs beneath, so you can sing along also. What alot of fun and definitely something different. Be sure to check it out.

Congressman Keith Ellison To Swear Into Office Using Koran

Some people are in a tizzy over this. How can you expect a Muslim to swear into office and place his hand on the Bible? This is supposed to be a country with religious tolerance at it's core. Some people talk the talk, but when it comes down to it, don't appear to believe in what this country stands for. I don't want to hear about how things changed after 9/11...if we cave to that, the terrorists won. Last I heard, Keith Ellison was born and raised in this country and has never commited a terrorist act or been affiliated with a terrorist organization. This country is caving into fear.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Strange Story Of Boy Who Believes He Was Reincarnated

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Rosie Vs. The Donald

Good for Rosie O'Donnell...she has been getting a bum rap lately. She is absolutely right about Trump. Her rant was about him giving Miss USA a second chance. Miss USA is supposed to be a role model for girls/women and Trump sends the message that it's ok to mess up big time, disrespect those who gave you a chance, and be a poor example of what an American woman should be....all covered up in "I'm giving her a second chance", as if he is some forgiving hero. It's wrong, and Rosie said it. She is correct in saying that Trump is no person to give girls a lesson in morality, with his affairs, etc. The only reason he gave her a second chance is because of his many indiscretions and feeling like a hypocrit otherwise. I like Rosie, she tells it like it is. And all Trump can say is "I'm going to sue her fat little self." What a loser.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Welcome To My Guest Blog

Please make sure to check out my guest blog, "the view from these eyes". Many interesting pics by a Communications student.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

VA May Register Email Addresses Of Sex Offenders

What a great idea! I wonder why noone has thought of this before. After all, the internet is often the first point of contact between a sex offender and kids. This should go national. (Richmond-Times Dispatch)

Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell announced today that he will propose legislation to require convicted sex offenders to register their e-mail addresses and instant messaging identities, as they are now required to report home addresses to the state's Sex Offender Registry.

The proposal would make Virginia the first state to dovetail with's recently announced plans to block sex offenders from access to its popular social networking site for teenagers and others.

"We require all sex offenders to register their physical and mailing addresses in Virginia," McDonnell said in a prepared statement, "but in the 21st century it is just as critical that they register any email addresses or IM screen names. . . . I hope other social networking sites will join in implementing the software necessary to accomplish this goal."

State Senator Ryan McDougle, R-Hanover County, is expected to introduce the legislation when the General Assembly convenes in January.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Full Text-Improper Conduct Involving Pages

The document says that the page in question forwarded an explicit email from Foley, to Rep. Kolbe (R-AZ) who later said he had no knowledge of it. What I don't get, is why is everyone so complacent about this and everything else that is going on? It's like everyone just sits back and says, "well that sucks" and the abuse and corruption is allowed to go on.

Foley Investigation

Friday, December 08, 2006

House Republicans Found "Negligent" In Foley Case

This is repulsive. Republicans are found negligent, but because they didn't break any specific rules, noone gets punished. Did anyone think there was a rule that said, "If you think a page is hot, don't hit on him?" Aren't there rules that say members of Congress should not abuse their power? Siding with a potential child molester rather than turning him in is an abuse of power in my book.

If I as a mother, turn the other cheek when someone molests or is otherwise inappropriate with my child, my child could be taken away from me. That's punishment. These roly poly fat cats get nothing-and it was quite nauseating seeing the members of the committee pat each other on the back, for letting people implicit in allowing a member of Congress to abuse his authority.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Richardson Not Yet Running In 2008

Earlier I posted an article saying that FOX News announced Richardson would run in 2008. One of my readers kindly informed me FOX News got it wrong, and that Richardson has not announced his candidacy. I don't know what made me think FOX News would tell the truth. I must have been in a mind freeze.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"Massive" Abuse By Government Employees

Iraq Study Group Report-Full Text

This seems unacceptable to me. It's all a little of this and a little of that. We went into that country and and started a downward spiral that we are lucky to be able to get out of. We can't abandon those people. We can't pull the troops until the job is done, but we can't stay the course the way the course is now.

What we need to do, is take all the civilians and ship them someplace safe. Then we need to drastically increase US troops, and I mean drastically...if it takes a draft, then so be it. Then we go in there with all the airpower we have and blow away every possible insurgent stronghold there is. Then the US has to fund rebuilding. Americans agreed with the president on this war, we are going to have to pay the price. Then we pull the troops and fight the real war on terror. That is the only way to do it. Period. We have been there for 5 years. How do we expect the Iraq military to be able to take over in one year, when the US military isn't winning this war? We would be leaving those people to implode. Bush has refused to increase troops, even at the bequest of most people who know better. He has to be taken out of office to get this job done right. End of story. We can't wait for the next election.

Iraq Study Group Report

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Gates Unanimously Approved

And he admitted that we are not winning the war. Finally, someone who will stand up to Bush. It was only in October that Bush publicly stated that we are winning the war. He is delusional. Maybe something will finally get done.

Gates Approved

Monday, December 04, 2006

E-Coli Outbreak At NJ Taco Bells

Bolton Resigns

They ought to send Bill Clinton to the UN. Like him or not, he does have a way of charming people and he sure gets alot done.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bush Administration Slaps Women In The Face

Let's see...the Department of Education is now allowing sex segregated anti-contraception doctor is now in charge if dispensing funds to programs that are supposed to ensure access to contraception and family planning information...will we be allowed to vote in the next election?

Dishing It Out

Article-"The Myth Of The Iraqi Army"

The author claims that there are only 4000 Iraq troops in their army, mostly older men. Bush and Malaki claim they can start withdrawing troops in June, 2007. Seems like Iraq will need a swelling of their military between now and then, to deal with insurgency terrorism that will still probably go on if US troops are withdrawn or reduced at that time, or the Iraqi army will be down to 100 in no time. I don't get it. Bush doesn't think we need more troops in Iraq, but at least 50 Iraqi civilians are blown away every day. One day he says no timetable, the next (literally the next day...the day before it was announced that the US and Iraq agreed to Iraq army taking over in July, Bush said there would not be a timetable)day there is this miraculous concensus that the Iraq army made be able to stand on it's own soon. Bush said he does not want to leave until the job is done, but at a time when there are only allegedly 4000 Iraqi troops trained, there is this deal.

I'm all for troop withdrawal because I don't think this is a battle we can win, but let's call a spade a spade. Bush ought to say, I've created a timetable and agree to a pullout because we are failing miserably and there is not a whole lot more the US can do to help these people. That's the truth.

"The Baby Army"

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Rush Limbaugh Is A Sexist Pig

Friday, December 01, 2006

Muslims Want Prayer Room At Airports

Do I get a Christian prayer room? Do Jews get one also? What is this nonsense? There are 24 hours in a day, do Muslims have to pray before boarding an airplane? Is that necessary or something? Does the Koran dictate that you must pray at airports? This is ridiculous.

Muslim Prayer Room?

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Tom Jackson Online. Please make sure to check him out...the blog has a little of everything...politics, science, humor.
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