Sunday, December 03, 2006

Article-"The Myth Of The Iraqi Army"

The author claims that there are only 4000 Iraq troops in their army, mostly older men. Bush and Malaki claim they can start withdrawing troops in June, 2007. Seems like Iraq will need a swelling of their military between now and then, to deal with insurgency terrorism that will still probably go on if US troops are withdrawn or reduced at that time, or the Iraqi army will be down to 100 in no time. I don't get it. Bush doesn't think we need more troops in Iraq, but at least 50 Iraqi civilians are blown away every day. One day he says no timetable, the next (literally the next day...the day before it was announced that the US and Iraq agreed to Iraq army taking over in July, Bush said there would not be a timetable)day there is this miraculous concensus that the Iraq army made be able to stand on it's own soon. Bush said he does not want to leave until the job is done, but at a time when there are only allegedly 4000 Iraqi troops trained, there is this deal.

I'm all for troop withdrawal because I don't think this is a battle we can win, but let's call a spade a spade. Bush ought to say, I've created a timetable and agree to a pullout because we are failing miserably and there is not a whole lot more the US can do to help these people. That's the truth.

"The Baby Army"


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