Muslims Want Prayer Room At Airports
Do I get a Christian prayer room? Do Jews get one also? What is this nonsense? There are 24 hours in a day, do Muslims have to pray before boarding an airplane? Is that necessary or something? Does the Koran dictate that you must pray at airports? This is ridiculous.
Muslim Prayer Room?
Muslim Prayer Room?
Actually, Islam requires that you pray at certain times every day--regardless of where you are (believe it or not). So, in the supposed interest of tolerance, the Muslims demand a prayer room to accomodate them. Christians and Jews, in particular, can pray anywhere and anytime. But, I'll bet if they started doing it as vocally and visibly as Muslims there would be an outcry to ban it.
Just a thought.
Thanks, I did not know that. Regardless, we can't start accomodating everyone for every reason. The airline should not have to be concerned about someone's prayer habits, regardless of their religion. The Muslims who were arrested for praying loudly at that airport, well, that was wrong I guess but you can't blame people for being skitish. A few bad people have soiled the religion. If Muslims or anyone else for that matter want to fly and pray, then they do so understanding that there may be things they have to put up with. Rather than blame the airline or everyone else, they ought to blame extremist Muslims who have created this atmosphere.
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