Friday, October 28, 2005

What To Expect In Libby Trial

Monday, October 24, 2005

Bush and Bono

Bono for President? Apparently Bush thinks he has something to say. Geeze, is his support that low, that he is now meeting with celebrities, the same liberal celebrities that conservatives blast for their opinions and causes? I guess this is the last bastion of potential supporters.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

British Poll-45% Of Iraqi's Support Insurgency

Friday, October 21, 2005

Delay Mug Shot

Muslim Clerics Outraged Over Desecration of Taliban Bodies

Does anyone still question that our occupation of Iraq is making us more vulnerable, rather than safer?

Ex-Powell Aid Says US Policy Run By "Cabal"

Bush Policy is Run by "Cabal"
By Brian Knowlton
New York Times

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 - Secretary of State Colin Powell's former chief of staff has offered a remarkably blunt criticism of the administration he served, saying that foreign policy had been usurped by a "Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal," and that President Bush has made the country more vulnerable, not less, to future crises.

The comments came in a speech Wednesday by Lawrence Wilkerson, who worked for Mr. Powell at the State Department from 2001 to early 2005. Speaking to the New America Foundation, an independent public-policy institute in Washington, Mr. Wilkerson suggested that secrecy, arrogance and internal feuding had taken a heavy toll in the Bush administration, skewing its policies and undercutting its ability to handle crises.

"I would say that we have courted disaster, in Iraq, in North Korea, in Iran, generally with regard to domestic crises like Katrina, Rita - and I could go on back," he said. "We haven't done very well on anything like that in a long time."

Mr. Wilkerson suggested that the dysfunction within the administration was so grave that "if something comes along that is truly serious, truly serious, something like a nuclear weapon going off in a major American city, or something like a major pandemic, you are going to see the ineptitude of this government in a way that will take you back to the Declaration of Independence."

Mr. Wilkerson, a retired Army colonel and former director of the Marine Corps War College, said that in his years in or close to government, he had seen its national security apparatus twisted in many ways. But what he saw in Mr. Bush's first term "was a case that I have never seen in my studies of aberration, %$#@!izations" and "perturbations."

"What I saw was a cabal between the vice president of the United Statest, Richard Cheney, and the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, on critical issues," he said.

The former aide referred to Mr. Bush as someone who "is not versed in international relations, and not too much interested in them, either." He was far more admiring of the president's father, whom he called "one of the finest presidents we've ever had."

Mr. Wilkerson has long been considered a close confidant of Mr. Powell, but their relationship has apparently grown strained at times - including over the question of unconventional weapons in Iraq - and the former colonel said Mr. Powell did not approve of his latest public criticisms.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bush Approval Poll

Bush is so unpopular, that for the first time in 11 years, the majority of Americans want Democrats to be in Control of Congress.

Thank you Bushies, for voting this man in. It was inevitable that he would fail. Everything he touches goes sour. Everyone around him is a criminal. And now, his ineptness will give other parties the edge in the next presidential elections. While it's sad that he did so much damage and stands to do more in the next three years due to you unweilding support of this lying frat boy, I believe a lesson is being learned.,,2-10-1462_1816160,00.html

Bush Speach To Troops And Their Comments Allegedly Staged

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bush/Miers Letters

Geeze, she sounds like a lovestruck schoolgirl...notice letter #2 and the reference to scatology...whats with these two?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Scathing Bush Editorial-The Measure Of A Man

Can a Man Become President?
By Sherman Yellen, Posted October 11, 2005.

Real men are not towel snapping bullies like President Bush, whose target is the poor and those least able to defend themselves.

As one looks toward the next Presidential election, assuming that our democracy can survive this presidency, the question we often hear is "Can a woman become President?" This reflects upon the interest in Hillary Clinton and her ability to be elected in a Presidential race. A more pertinent question may be "Can a man become President?" In asking this, one is obliged to define what one means by a man, something far different from the male who currently occupies our White House.

Let's consider the last election. The perception was the George Bush was the more manly candidate. He spoke with a western twang, walked with a swagger, appeared to be decisive, and clearly had no use for the effete Eastern liberals, intellectuals, and the sissy boys who waffled about at the U.N. Despite the fact that the twang and the swagger were cultivated by this Eastern prep school boy with Yale and Harvard degrees, Bush was considered the more "authentic" candidate by a great many voters and pundits who found John Kerry "inauthentic" with his educated Bostonian ways, actual war heroism, and his inability to take a stand and stick with it right or wrong for life.

As one who would not want to sit down and share a beer with George Bush, or go windsailing with John Kerry, I have my own definition of "man" and I would like to apply it to the qualifications for our next President.

A real man should be capable of flip-flopping on any issue at any time. It is an essential element in thinking and living. There is no way to grow as a man without changing one's mind from time to time. The inability to change an opinion when life and events prove your original opinion or decision wrong, is not a manly quality. It is the quality of those who prefer to be deluded by life, rather than taught by it. The best thing that could be said of Kerry, who ran an overly cautious, defensive campaign that lacked the courage he showed in life, was that Kerry flip flopped on the issues. It meant that he was a man capable of growth.

Thank God for flip floppers. History shows that Lincoln was a champion flip flopper, changing his views on slavery as he developed in his life, Teddy Roosevelt was a flip flopper, a hunter who protected the environment, an American aristocrat who sought to protect the worker from the very ruling class he was born into, and protect industry from the trusts. FDR's elitist views were tempered by the times he lived in. Harry S. Truman, a small town man with a limited background was capable of making great decisions, based upon his ability to learn on the job, starting the movement towards Civil Rights in the military.

George Bush can never flip flop. He cannot change his mind, because it is a lazy mind, incapable of the activity required for flip flopping which can be a wrenching experience. Between the flip and the flop is a lot of mental and moral activity. He is far from stupid, but lacks that curiosity which allows for growth and change. By "sticking to his guns" he thinks he is acting as a man should act, standing by his principles, while in fact all he demonstrates is his inability to tolerate change and the weakness of those principles.

A real man does not always have to "feel your pain" but he must be capable of alleviating it. Real men are healers. They are not towel snapping bullies like our president, whose target is the poor, those least able to defend themselves. For all his failing, Jimmy Carter was a real man. His was an unlucky presidency, but it was one in which the poor and the environnment were given a chance to survive. His actions for peace and for building decent lives for the poor, following his presidency, reveal a man who is driven by true religious feelings, not one who uses his religion to beat down the poor because "the poor will always be with us."

A real man values human life so highly that he cannot help but oppose those who make war, destroy gun control laws, and cheapen life by allowing fellow Americans to suffer in life-destroying poverty. A real man is not threatened by the way other people live, be they gay, straight, atheist, zen Buddhist -- he is content to live and let live -- and support laws that broaden human freedom, not limit it.

A real man does not claim to reform Social Security by destroying it. He does not claim to advance our freedoms by limiting them. A real man knows he does not hold a patent on the truth but works towards finding the truth by examining the world, not feeding on his own beliefs. That takes courage, the quality that a real man must have.

Most of all a real man can say "I was wrong" and mean it. He can take responsibility for his actions and know that responsibility isn't just admitting to error, but seeking ways to remedy that error. In this way George W. Bush is not a real man and never will be. He can drink his beer, talk his baseball stats, walk the walk on aircraft carriers, and nothing that he can do will make him a real man unless he can now become a born again humanist, not a very likely prospect.

The question I raise can only be answered by the American people when they reexamine the notion of what real man is in the next election. Perhaps a real woman can be a better real man than those who now swagger across the national stage, actors playing leaders, or perhaps she will assume the posture of the fake men who preceded her, and she too will be compromised by the need to appear tough and never flip flop and call intellectual weakness moral strength. Can a woman become President? Maybe, if she is a real woman.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Bush/Miers Cartoon

From US World News

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Offensive GOP Video

I am sure that I will get blasted with comments such as "Another website promoted to maligning the President", or "Just more liberal dribble". Oh well.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Marines Recruiting Illegal Aliens?

Does anyone smell a draft? If they have to go to this extreme to get soldiers, it is inevitable.,gillison,68594,2.html

Congress Seeks To Slash Aid To Poor

So much for all of that "we have to take care of our poor" jazz after Katrina.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Funny Santorum Pic

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Miers Editorial

This pretty much sums up my feelings about this appointment. Notice the link that shows all of the qualified candidates that were not chosen.

Miers On Extreme End Of Pro Lifers

No kidding...I believe that the main objective of Bush is to appoint a judge who would overturn Roe vs. Wade, because I think he believe that this would be the beginning of accomplishing his goal, which is to have a homogenous conservative society. Of course he appointed someone who would be an extremist.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Man Wins Lottery On Same Day He Becomes US Citizen

Evicted Man's Pig Attacks Authorities

my space tracker