Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Funny Santorum Pic


Blogger Videos by Professor Howdy said...

You have an interesting blog
but why do you execrate our

Is it because you had arduousness
with your own Dad who didn't
measure up to your expectations
& ultimately you have a problem
with your Creator - the Heavenly
Father of all who respond to His
offer for forgiveness?

You do know that there is a nemesis
that intends you great and interminable
deterioration? God's Handbook for
Living - The Bible
calls him the Destroyer,
Deceiver & the Prince of this Planet.

Ever notice how this Deceiver always
has the same worldview that is always
against our Creator:

1) Always against the family, love
& marriage.*

2) Always for taking the life of pre-
born babies but always for saving
every other form of life.**

3) Always for banning any idea/book
that differs with their viewpoint
(Bible/prayer/Creationism in schools).***

4) Always denying our countries great
Christian heritage...

Wishing you the best & hope that we
might discuss these thoughts - bet you
can't without four letter words &
personal attacks...

Best Wishes Always,
Dr. Howdy

'Thought & Humor'

*Everyone's in favor of the death
penalty - some for death to babies
& some for death to hardened murderers.
**Trees, whales & endangered species
are great but not nearly as important as
any person (born or unborn).
***Everyone is for some form of book
banning: Either porn, real hate literature
or the Bible & Christian books.

9:59 PM  
Blogger RantingDiva said...

I "execrate" the president cause he is a bad president. Why are you wasting my space with this dribble?

10:04 PM  
Blogger RantingDiva said...

And by the way, I challange you to look closely at my posts and find one 4 letter word that I have used. You are a dufus...oops...that's 5 letters.

1:29 AM  

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