Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Gay Purple Heart Recipient Discharged

I suppose the military is worried that this hero is more concerned about getting a piece rather than staying alive.


Monday, May 30, 2005

Paper Says Bush Lied...Cites Memo

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Hastert's Hometown Gets An Unusually Large Amount of Grants

Friday, May 27, 2005

33% Of Conseratives Likely To Vote For Clinton

I think conservatives want a change but are too proud to admit it.


Thursday, May 26, 2005

Newsweek-Flash Cartoon

Amnesty International Slams Guantanamo


Sorry, but I don't want out armed forces to behave this way.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

If You're Gay, You Can Be Fired

I am so mistrustful of Bush that it would not surprise me that he knew his appointee would say this when he tried to ban the law discriminating against gays, you know, as if to act like he was for gay rights, but really not. If this guy has such a horrible track record of prtecting civil rights, why is he still Bush's man?


Monday, May 23, 2005

New Iraq Government Mishandled Development Funds

Sex Offenders Get Viagra

This is unbelieveable! Medicaid won't pay for birth control but they allow perverts to get Viagra. There has long been a debate about medicaid paying for Viagra. If it won't pay for birth control, it shouldn't pay for Viagra...for anyone.


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Why Is There So Much Child Abduction/Abuse In Florida?

I know it happens everywhere, but it seems to be rampant there.


Friday, May 20, 2005

The Case To Impeach Bush

Military Must Be Really Desparate

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Red Cross Has Reported Quran Abuse Since 2002

The Bush administration would like us to think that this report is sooooo untrue. Actually, aside from not checking their sources, it appears that the gist of what the report stated may have been occuring.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

House Votes To Ban Women From Combat

Ahhh, so the same old mentality that women can't be as fierce as men. True, men might be physically stronger, but with the weaponry that is used as well as the technology used in combat, the playing field is more even than ever. Great move, considering the military can't meet their quota and we are hurting for troops.


Scarey Revision To Patriot Act In The Works

5 Year Old Brings Gun To School

Teen Murders Parents Then Goes To Prom

Newsweek Story Is Not First About Desecration

Monday, May 16, 2005

Russians Benefitted From Oil For Food Scandal

Wonder why GWB didn't see this when he looked into Putin's eyes and "saw his soul"


Airports to Use Xray Machines that Strip Passengers Bare

Sunday, May 15, 2005

High School Teacher Disects Live Dog

This guy ought to be fired and go to prison.


Saturday, May 14, 2005

132 Mayors Rebel Against Bush Envirnonmental Policy

Friday, May 13, 2005

Saddam To Write Memoirs

Evangelical Group To Picket Elementary School

Because a sixth grade girl wrote about Ellen Degeneres in her "Women In History" report. Isn't it possible that this girl just thinks Ellen is funny?


50 Billion More Asked to Fund Iraq War

Doesn't look like we are going to get out of there anytime soon.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

American Idol and the Demise Of Real Music

Bolton Doesn't Show Up For Nonproliferation Conference

Great choice for UN Embassador!!


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hurricane Season Begins In Florida

Bush Plan Would Cut Survivor Benefits

Monday, May 09, 2005

Chicken Ticketed For Crossing The Road

Hummm...could it be that tying up the courts/legal system with nonsense like this is why child molesters go free?


Baltimore Teacher A Convicted Murderer

How can this happen! We cuff a five year old but this psychopath is allowed to teach?


Kerry Takes On Government

Spokane Mayor's Transcripts Released

I am so sick to death of the hipocrasy of conservatives...you know what they say about those who protest too much.

From the AP

One day after breaking the story that Spokane mayor James West had used his position to attract young men online, The Spokesman-Review published excerpts from West's conversations in an online gay chat room.

For decades, Washington State Republican Jim West amassed political power and used it to pursue a conservative agenda, one that included blocking laws that would guarantee equal treatment of gays and lesbians. Now that West has been unmasked as having had homosexual relationships himself and as having used his position as Spokane mayor to find young men in Gay.com chat rooms, his former political allies have fallen silent.But some of his enemies--and there are many--are eager to talk. "What goes around comes around.... It's about time," said Sen. Pam Roach, an Auburn, Wash., Republican who clashed personally and professionally with West in the state senate. West served 20 years in the state legislature, rising to the post of senate majority leader before resigning in 2003 to become mayor of Spokane.

The Spokesman-Review published the allegations against West on Thursday, following a three-year investigation. In addition to the newspaper's sting operation that caught West chatting openly on the Web site Gay.com about his homosexual relations, the investigation revealed accusations of sexual abuse by two men who were children at the time of the alleged incidents.West confirmed to the newspaper that he offered gifts, favors, and a City Hall internship during chat sessions on Gay.com to a man he believed was 18 but who was actually a forensic computer expert working for The Spokesman-Review. On Thursday, West said he will not resign. He confirmed that he'd pursued relationships with men in person and online.In an e-mail issued to Spokane city employees, West apologized for bringing embarrassment to the mayor's office. "I stumbled and let you down," West wrote.

On Friday the newspaper published excerpts from West's conversations in an online gay chat room and instant messages to "Moto-Brock," a former government computer expert hired by the paper. The Spokesman-Review said "JMSElton" was a screen name West used. Punctuation is as it appeared in the messages.From a February 26 conversation using instant messaging:

JMSElton: "Remember, Im very closeted. No one knows I like guys. Except the few guys Ive been with and highly trusted."

JMSElton: "Its just that the openly gay guys are a little over the top for me. I dont really like the in-your-face attitude some guys have. And the massive political agenda either. I say live and let live. Most gay guys turn me off, too."Their third online chat, again using instant messaging, occurs March 8.

When JMSElton asks for a picture, Moto-Brock sends a random photo of a young, dark-haired, athletic-looking man.

JMSElton: "I could never be into the gay scene with its politics and all. Ive just seen too many guys decide once they come out that it becomes everyone elses problem to deal with. Im not into femmy guys."

JMSElton: "Its our secret here."The two chat online again March 8 and then March 9. JMSElton says he's going to Washington, D.C., on business and mentions taking a couple of high school interns with him on a business trip there years earlier.

Moto-Brock: "Ohhhhh. You are killing me here. I want an internship! So I can go to DC."

JMSElton tells Moto-Brock he has a friend who might be able to get the teen an internship.On March 21, Moto-Brock receives an e-mail from West. It reads in part, "A friend of mine has asked if I would consider you for an internship in the mayors office" and goes on to tell him how to apply.

Moto-Brock e-mails JMSElton the following: "Holy crap, is this for real!!?!? The mayor of Spokane sending me an e-mail inviting me to apply for an internship? I cant hardly believe it! He is really a friend of yours? That is unreal. Well, I dont know what to say 'thank you' seems like not enough."

When JMSElton and Moto-Brock talk online April 9, they talk about meeting. West electronically sends his photo during the chat, then sends an Internet link to the mayor's biography page at City Hall.

JMSElton: "Well its a part of my life I dont share at all and is somewhat new to me."JMSElton: "Someday I may run for governor and this would be bad if you know what I mean."

During a Gay.com chat last New Year's Eve, an 18-year-old man who claimed he had a sexual encounter with West on a date in June 2004 said, "You wouldn't be in the position you are in today if the right-winged supporters knew you like to mess around with guys."

West replied, "Two consenting adults must have the ability to protect their privacy or else the !@#$% sex Nazis will be telling everyone what to do."

West's days in power are numbered even if he doesn't resign, said Washington State University political scientist Lance LeLoup. "He was probably one of the most influential eastern Washington politicians," LeLoup said. "I believe his political career is over. Plenty of politicians overcome scandals, but I don't see how it's possible in this case."

Politicians and political observers across the state were buzzing with the news on Thursday, but they weren't necessarily shocked. Rumors about West's sexuality have circulated in Olympia and Spokane for years. "There have been things people suspected for years," said Roach, who called West a "cutthroat politician."

Republican senator Brad Benson of Spokane said the allegations are "disturbing, and that's putting it lightly." West backed another candidate when Benson ran for the state senate in 2004. "He worked very hard to get me unelected," Benson said. Still, he said, West should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. "If he's a homosexual or bisexual or whatever and having sex with consenting adults, that's not a reason for him to resign," Benson said. "But if the molestation charges are true, he should be in prison."I

n the newspaper's report, two men accused West of molesting them in the 1970s when they were boys and West was a sheriff's deputy and Boy Scout leader. West, now 54, has denied the allegations of sexual abuse. No criminal investigations are under way, according to the Spokane County sheriff and Spokane city police department.State senate majority leader Lisa Brown, a Spokane Democrat, said Thursday that West's sexual orientation isn't the issue. "Rather, allegations of a pattern of abuse of power and possible unethical conduct by the mayor are deeply troubling," Brown said in a written statement. "In addition, the public's trust is eroded when what elected officials advocate is different from how they conduct their own life."West has strongly opposed gay rights during his political career. He supported a bill that would have barred gays and lesbians from working for schools, day care centers, and some state agencies. That bill failed. He voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, which passed, banning same-sex marriage. And for years he helped to block a bill that would prohibit discrimination against gays and lesbians in housing, employment, and insurance.

As Spokane mayor, West threatened to veto a measure extending benefits to domestic partners of city employees. But the city council approved the measure by a 5-2 vote, enough to override a mayoral veto. "Methinks he doth protest too much," LeLoup said. "It's a pretty egregious case of hypocrisy.""I was disgusted--all those years of him voting that way," said Kevan Gardner with the Pride Foundation, a Spokane organization that supports gays and lesbians. "It's just unfortunate that he's been such an enemy to our community and we find out he's possibly a member of our community...not necessarily one we want."(AP)

Friday, May 06, 2005

Baptist Church Kicks Out Kerry Voters

On Keith Oberlan tonight...a member of this church (Baptist), who happens to have voted for Bush, came out and said that prior to the election, his pastor said that anyone who voted for Kerry would be expelled from the church. He went on to say that any new members to the church would have to sign a card that said that they agreed with the political views of the pastor and that they would vote the way the pastor tells them in future elections. Here is a story from the AP about this church.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Iraq Reconstruction Funds Embezzeled?

U.S. Officials Suspected of Embezzlement in Iraq

Nearly $100 million in reconstruction funds is unaccounted for, investigators say.
By T. Christian MillerTimes Staff Writer

May 5, 2005WASHINGTON — The U.S. government has opened a criminal inquiry into suspected embezzlement by officials who failed to account for almost $100 million they disbursed for Iraqi reconstruction projects, federal investigators said Wednesday. Auditors have been unable to fully document how the money was allocated to Iraqi workers by a small group of officials working from a U.S. outpost in Hillah, according to an audit report released Wednesday by Stuart W. Bowen Jr., the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction.

The auditors found "significant" problems in the Hillah office, including one case in which an official fired for mishandling funds was allowed to continue disbursing money nearly a month after his termination.The case is the first time U.S. government officials have been investigated for a suspected major corruption scheme involving the Iraq reconstruction. The rebuilding effort has been marred by allegations against Iraqis as well as contractors from the United States and elsewhere.The reconstruction funds that were examined came from seized assets of the former regime of Saddam Hussein and from Iraqi oil revenue, not from U.S. taxpayer money.

A few other U.S. officials in Iraq have drawn the scrutiny of investigators for smaller incidents, though none have been charged. In the cases now under investigation, the report notes questionable accounting practices by several officers involving millions of dollars over a 16-month period ending in October.Investigators are looking at a "handful" of possible suspects, said Jim Mitchell, a spokesman for the special inspector general's office. He noted that the inquiry was in an early stage, saying only that the discrepancies uncovered by the auditors warranted referral to criminal investigators. He also said it was unclear whether the U.S. officials operated in concert, since they served at different times."We're not saying the money is lost. We're saying they can't account for it," Mitchell said.

One U.S. official told auditors that he was given $6.75 million on June 21 and told he had to spend the money by June 28, the day the U.S.-led administration in Iraq turned over sovereignty to an interim Iraqi government.U.S. officials "were under the impression that it was more important to quickly distribute the money to the region than to obtain all necessary documentation," the audit report says.Auditors were struck by a series of apparent accounting errors in the Rapid Regional Response Program, an obscure rebuilding effort operated from the Hillah office. The program was designed to jump-start reconstruction in south-central Iraq by allowing U.S. officials to quickly issue contracts worth up to $200,000 each. To pay for contract work in Iraq's cash-based economy, the U.S. appointed military personnel and civilians to physically hand out money to Iraqis. The U.S. officials were then supposed to reconcile those payments with receipts. But the auditors found that such receipts were lacking or incomplete for $96.6 million of $119.9 million in payments.I n one case, two U.S. officials left Iraq after completing their tours of duty without accounting for a total of $1.5 million.

The manager of the cash funds zeroed out the balance on a spreadsheet — an apparent attempt "to remove outstanding balances by simply washing accounts," the audit report says. The officials, like all others in the audit, were not named. In another case, the U.S. on May 30 ordered the removal of the official in charge of the overall cash program, but he remained in the job until June 20. When told he had failed to account for $1,878,870, the official returned exactly that sum three days later — leading to suspicions that he had "a reserve of cash and turned in only the amount" needed to complete the clearance process, the report says.

In another case, one payment official had three errors in his accounting books. In one example, he told superiors that he had given $311,100 to another U.S. official when he had actually handed over $1,210,000, leaving it unclear where the remaining $898,900 was, the report says.Two other audits, also released Wednesday, criticize the overall U.S. handling of Iraqi and U.S. funds.For contracts funded with Iraqi money, contract officers could not show that services had been delivered in more than half of 300 contracts valued at $332.9 million.For contracts funded with $18.4 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds, officers could not even find about a quarter of 48 contracts that had been selected for review. Other contracts were found stuffed in drawers or misfiled.U.S. officials responding to the audits acknowledged problems and promised to fix them.

They blamed the discrepancies on the difficulty of operating in a wartime environment.The officials cited challenges such as high turnover, security concerns and a lack of basic office supplies, including file cabinets."The environment here in Iraq during the war had a debilitating effect on the quality of statements of work and contracts in general," Army Maj. Gen. John Urias, the head of contracting in Iraq, wrote in a remarkably candid reply. "Crisis management was the order of the day."Army Col. Thomas Stefanko, who now oversees the Hillah office, said he was forming a "special action team" to investigate the discrepancies and collect any missing money.

Copyright 2005 Los Angeles Times

Newt Gingritch Praises Hilliary Clinton

Tony Blair Wins Third Term

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

No Wonder We Are The Fattest Country On The Planet

Monday, May 02, 2005

Police Secure School Over Giant Burrito

my space tracker