Apple Admits To Using Sweat Shop Labor

To manufacture iPods. OK, I am posting this not to make a statement about sweatshops, although I think everyone should boycott Apple, rather, to make a statement about the evils of technology. As much as I love to use technology to engage in my little hobby here, I really feel that the more advanced we get, the more decadent our society becomes.
Technology is responsible for allowing child molesters easy access for their next victims. Technology has made it so that last week, while in a parking lot waiting for my mom to purchase her golden lottery ticket, I looked at the car next to me and every member of the family-mom, dad, and child, were each talking to someone on their cell phones. Technology has made it so that we can't go to the toilet without immediate access to our music. It has made us a nation of spoiled brats with attention spans of ants, who need immediate gratification or heaven forbid, we have to wait until we get home to make a phone call. We don't go to the bank anymore...all of it is done online, and we pay our bills online. Gone are the days when we actually left the house to go to the phone company, talk to our neighbors while there, and interact with others. Our society has become individualistic and we are more isolated because of technology. A recent survey found that 25% of American adults said that they don't have one good friend that they can confide in. But I'm sure they have 50 people on their Yahoo mesenger list. Yes, I have a cell phone and a computer. But it is not a lifeline. Screw Apple, they can go bankrupt.
Apple Brags About Sweat Shop Labor
I actually like technology.
I don't think a few of the movies are far off - we'll still be human but we're going to have to put up with the world changing.
Just think what people said when cars were invented - refrigerators, etc. But hey - as time moves - so do changes and we all just have to roll with the flow - or step aside and leave society.
Sigh - Sad. but true.
This however was an excellent, thought provoking post.
Take it easy!
Wager Witch
Found you on blogclicker.
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