Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tennesee Representative Says Gays Adopt To Molest

Can this woman be any more stupid? Pedophila has nothing to do with sexuality. It is a serious, gross, deformity. Straight people might molest. Gay people might molest. Priests sure might molest. What a dumb ass. The article quotes her as saying that gays might molest. But there sure must be a reason she is making a public display of her idiocity. Probably because she really beleives all gays molest.



Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

Well you know...because we have a vast excess of loving, mature, straight couples willing to adopt the tens of thousands of kids across the country who are currently in foster care, why not exclude perfectly normal gay adoptive parents?

9:15 AM  
Blogger Manda said...

*points up to the post & the comment* Brilliant, isn't she? The thing that impressed me most is one of her sources is Focus On The Family. Oh yes, let's talk about an unbias fact-based source, eh? /end sarcasm

I can't wait to find a politician in the South who actually bothers to read some real research from places like the American Psychiatric Association or something similar before opening their mouth on this issue.

Actually...if that ever happened, I'd die of a heart attack, so scratch that.

10:23 PM  

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