Sunday, March 26, 2006

L.A. March One Of Largest Protests In US History

So all of these people don't want our borders secured and don't want illegal immigration to be a felony. We have sat in this issue for way too long. Now we have a country, full of people who aren't supposed to be here, but somehow are. A country full of young people whose relatives are here illegally. A country where illegals are doing alot of work that many Americans would not consider doing, they'd rather go on welfare. A country full of legal immigrants, who don't want their illegal family and friends to be deported or criminalized. Of course they don't want these measures to go into effect. It's our own doing. We are a country who has always prided ourselves on taking in all who want to be here, but never took the time to devise a plan to ensure that it is done the right way. So now all these people are here. Who can blame them for not wanting things to change? Of course, this is a serious problem, especially in light of terrorism and the risks we face by allowing this to go on, and there has to be immigration reform, but looking at it from the perspectives of legal immigrants who love the opportunities they have in this country, and even those who may be here illegally who believe that if they get here one way or another to this country that is built on immigrants, they will have this great life, who can blame them?


Blogger Brian Bonner said...

Here is MY Immigration plan:

• Secure the border by any means necessary.
• Stiff penalties for employers, which are actually enforced
• No taxpayer funded programs for illegals or their families. (including school for children of illegals and medical care for any illegal)
• No “Anchor Babies” (no automatic citizenship for children of illegals born in the US)
• No path to Amnesty in any name or form for those here illegally
• No Guest worker program until the above measures are put in place and the need can be PROVEN

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with all of it, but not sure about no Amnesty for those who are here illegally. Don't most of them have to come here illegally to get Amnesty? I mean, can someone from Cuba easily apply for Amnesty in their own country, without repercussion?

3:45 PM  
Blogger Brian Bonner said...

Hehe, good catch. That should have been path to citizenship.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On second thought, I also disagree with withholding medical care. Doctors should not be turned into immigration officers. They already have enough stress with providing the care they do, emergency situations, and high malpractice insurance rates, now this? It would be unethical for a doctor to refuse treatment, expecially in serious situations. I don't want a doctor who would agree to do that. What if a Mexican walks into the ER with what looks like a heart attack? Seconds count...the staff is suposed to determine if he is illegal first? God forbid, they do, and he turns out to be an actual citizen, even born here, imagine that. We praise doctors who go to other countries and provide free treatment to those who can't afford it, we should not expect less of them in our own country.

7:19 PM  

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