Sunday, July 03, 2005

Teen Murdered For His iPod

This country is a shambles and it is the fault of every parent out there. You have parents who, are unconcerned about what their kids do and let them get away with everything. Then there are the parents who, when told their child has misbehaved, stick up for them rather than give em hell for acting the fool. You have the crackhead and alcoholic parents who are poor and on welfare, and revel in their misery rather than get out and get training, education, whatever it takes to make their kids' lives better. You have the workaholic parents who are never there for their kids. Oh, and the ones I really love...those rich, connected parents who buy their sixteen year old's brand new cars for their birthday, never teaching them the meaning of hard work and promoting their kids' feelings of entitlement. Yeah yeah, I know it isn't that simple, but we are raising our kids to think that they can behave exactly as they want to. Wake up already!


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