Tuesday, July 19, 2005

California Wants Teachers To Use Ebonics

Once again, the USA lowers the bar. In Japan, children go to school long hours and through the year. They are expected to do well. In the USA, we don't ask students to reach a high standard, we bring in the troops to maintain our already low expectations.

If you are in school, and you can't speak English, then you should start all over again and learn it. Parents who use Ebonics should learn to speak English too, because they are setting their children up for failure. Educators say if they use Ebonics, then those students will learn more.

Who care how much a student knows, if they can't go out in the work force and earn a decent living because their employer does not want their customers to be greeted with street talk? Figures this is occuring in California, with their anything goes, live and let live attitudes. I have no disrespect for other languages and cultures. May family speaks several languages and I am fluent. But I know where to draw the line. This is America. Our language is English. Learn it.


Blogger animeg said...

I don't see how being a white american makes you unable to understand differences or accept them. Some people talk differently than others. This is a part of life. Deal with it. People can change their attitudes towards others if we have high expectations of them, instead of lowering the bar and thinking they have to be intolerant and ignorant.

Here's a wikipedia article you should read. There's no excuse for ignorance. If you want high standards, set some for yourself.

8:42 AM  
Blogger RantingDiva said...

This has nothing to do with being a white American. It has to do with being an American. Blacks, Hispanics, everyone who is here legally is an American. I have faith that all people, regardless of their race are able to learn English. White's use Ebonics also, I did not pick out one racial group. If minorites want to take the easy way out, that's on them. If minorities don't think that their children can perform to minimal standards, like speaking English, than that's on them. You are the one who brought race into it. I have standards. I think that all children, minorities included, are capable of more than we hodl them to. If you think otherwise, than you are contributing to the problem.

8:50 AM  
Blogger RantingDiva said...

And I know what Ebonics is, I don;t have to read the article. As I said, English is our language. It should be the FIRST language taught in schools. We should not bring teachers in to teach in Ebonics because we don't think minorities are smart or eloquent enough to understand it. THAT is racist.

8:53 AM  

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