Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Liberals Boo Clinton

I hate people who stick to ideologies for the sake that they are liberal or conservative causes. So Clinton doesn't think we should bail out of Iraq...I agree, even though I oppose the war. We went there and destroyed their country, we have to fix it. It is no where near fixed yet. It is time however, to reduce troops and maintain a peacekeeping more raids, etc. Hillary got alot of flack for her stand on abortion also. They said she was pandering to the middle/right, taking the position she does. Does being a liberal or a conservative mean that you can't have ANY ideas that are more centrist? People don't work that way. Hillary is a mother in addition to a politician. It's possible that her views on abortion are partly shaped by her experience as a mother. What is fake about that? Anyone who is extreme left or right is a wacko in my book.

Liberals Boo Clinton


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt that video games is her platform, or that she will be campaigning on this issue. Senators have hundreds of issues to deal with every day, not just the war. Maybe she was making a statement on ways to curb adolescent apathy or violence...I don't know. Whatever the case, I'm sure she will be focusing on other issues during her tenure in the Senate and as a possible presidential candidate.

10:13 AM  
Blogger EJL said...

I agree. I think in today's day and age, extreme right and extreme left are blaah! I think that with the knowledge we have you have to look at both sides. I am registered Democrat but have only voted republican. I really think that I am independant,but then I couldn't vote in the prelims.

I am pro-life, but do not take the side of pro-lifers battling the pro-abortion(ers) It is a nasty battle and not clear cut. I just maintain it is my personal choice.
Would I like it to go away except for extreme cases, yes...but again, in today's day and age that will never happen.

I like your the music aspect. Good luck on our battle.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and if people are expected to vote vote for plarizing individuals (far left or far right) then nothing will ever be accomplished. If those are the political positions that you truly believe in, then go for it. But I'd rather vote for a Republican that I think has integrity and good judgement, than a Democrat who expouses opinions for the sake of them being leftist, even though I lean left.

1:59 PM  
Blogger RantingDiva said...

FYI...I don't edit or remove reader's comments, as it appears above...I removed my own because it had alot of typos and I could not figure out how to fix it after it was already posted.

2:11 PM  

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