Sunday, May 14, 2006

Bush Tax Cuts Do Not Help The Poor Or Middle Class

Here is an article from the Washington Post that has a table from the Tax Policy Center, that shows that the poor and middle class will save just a few measly dollars.

When he touts this as something that will help the middle class and it doesn't, then it is just another way of giving more cuts to the rich. He is hoping everyone is stupid enough to believe him. I know that tax cuts are proportional to a large part, on how much you earn, but don't make pretend anyone other than rich people will really benefit from it.

Bush Tax Cuts Don't Help Middle Class


Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUH!! Everyone knows that! If you read my post, my problem is another lie comes out of Bush's mouth because he and his cronies have been presenting this as something that will help the middle class. If you make alot of money and pay alot of taxes, I don't have a problem with you getting a cut...but don't pass the program off to be something that it isn't.

2:06 PM  
Blogger WagerWitch said...

I don't know about everything on your blog - but I have to say thanks for the Annie Lenox Video.

It totally Rocks - I had to pause in my surfing to watch it all the way through and think about playing it again.


Wager Witch

5:50 AM  

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