Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bipartisan Immigration Proposal

If here over 5 years...Must learn English and American Civics, pay 2000.00 fine, get to stay

If here 2-5 years...Must leave and may immeditely come back to be processed through a US port

If here under 2 years...Must leave, may apply for worker visa the usual route.

So if you have broken the law for a really, really long time, you get to stay. Where is the part about it being a felony for companies to hire illegals? Who is going to round up these people? Do they think they will just turn themselves in? What about securing the borders? As soon as these illegals are shipped out, more will come to take their place. Out government is broken. This is the most idiodic plan I have ever heard of. I was embarrassed when I saw all of those senators standing up and proclaiming a "breakthough".

Here's a plan. Raise the minimum wage...significantly. Then, American workers will be able to afford to take the jobs that illegals now do. Make it a felony for business to hire illegals. Put in place, the manpower/resources to do a sweep of businesses to ensure that all workers are documented. Maybe when these things are done, there will not be a need for illegal workers, and maybe some of them will turn around and go home, for there is no longer an incentive. Secure the borders.

But the minimum wage isn't going to be increased anytime soon with the Republicans in charge. They worry oh so much about how this will affect businesses. It will be hard on businesses, but perhaps, if you don't have the ability to pay a decent wage, you should not be in business. Give em a tax break or something to make up the difference, come up with some kind of plan, but this one that they are proposing sure isn't going to work.


Blogger Christopher said...

Just wanted to let you know this is the current topic over at The Foundation. Here is a link.

4:20 AM  

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