Thursday, February 16, 2006

Political Candidate Behaving Badly

Sigh...Don't you long for the old days when men behaved like real men?

Comptroller Asks Woman to 'Walk Again'Wednesday, February 15, 2006 ANNAPOLIS, Md. -

State Comptroller William Donald Schaefer reacted angrily Wednesday to questions about whether he may have offended an aide to Gov. Robert Ehrlich at a meeting of the Board of Public Works.

After the young woman brought him a beverage at Wednesday morning's meeting at the State House, Schaefer stared intently as she walked back to the governor's office. Then, just as she reached the door, he summoned her back as people waiting to testify before the board watched.

When the aide, looking puzzled, returned to the table, Schaefer told her, "Walk again," and watched her as she made the second trip to the exit.

When reporters asked him after the meeting about the incident, he called their interest "dumb." He said "this little girl" ought to be "happy that I observed her going out the door."

At one point after the meeting, the comptroller went into the governor's private office and returned to say the woman was embarrassed by the incident. But Schaefer, 84, was unapologetic about his actions.

"The one who is offended is me," the Democratic comptroller told reporters.

"She's a pretty little girl," he said. "The day I don't look at pretty women is the day I die."

Shareese DeLeaver, a spokeswoman for the Republican governor, would not disclose the name of the woman who delivered the drink to the comptroller or of another woman Schaefer also stared at as she returned to the private office after bringing drinks to the governor and Democratic State Treasurer Nancy Kopp, the other two board members.

"We're not releasing the names of the assistants. They don't have any desire to have their names in print or to speak with the press," DeLeaver said.

Deputy Treasurer Howard Freedlander said Kopp would not have any comment because she did not see what happened.

Schaefer recently marked 50 years in public service; he is a former governor and mayor of Baltimore. He is seeking re-election in November to a third four-year term.

Odd remarks and antics by Schaefer at meetings of the Board of Public Works are commonplace. He once complained about a Spanish-speaking McDonald's clerk and has suggested that there should be a public registry of people with AIDS.

He also has referred before to women as "little girls," although women who have worked for him have celebrated the term and said he treated them with respect. After a campaign ad in 2002 suggested he was unfair to women, some of his former employees held a rally, waving signs that read "Little Girls for Schaefer."


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