Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bush and Company Say Nothing About Robertson's Remarks

It's interesting, that Bush spoke out several times this week against Sheehan but hasn't said a word condemning what Pat Robertson said. Sheehan is advocating peace, at least in her mind, wether you disagree with her or not. Robertson called for the assassination of a world leader. Bush calls the protesters platform dangerous for America. Robertson saying that Chavez ought to be killed is not dangerous? Latin America is fuming over this. It gives terrorists the ammunition to say-see-a major christian leader wants to kill. Christianity is evil. Robertson put us in danger, not some woman in a floppy hat who wants to ask the president questions.

Rumsfeld, I think, maybe it was Cheyney, commented that Robertson is a private citizen and he can say what he wants. While that may be true, they can denounce it and take a real stand to distance themselves from him, rather than just stay mum. They spend hours thinking of ways to smear Sheehan, but say nothing about Robertson. That is their true character.


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