Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Rick Santorum Does Not Believe We Have The Right To Privacy

As you can tell, this guy has blown my mind today...This is from an interview in April...

AP: Speaking of liberalism, there was a story in The Washington Post about six months ago, they'd pulled something off the Web, some article that you wrote blaming, according to The Washington Post, blaming in part the Catholic Church scandal on liberalism. Can you explain that?

SANTORUM: You have the problem within the church. Again, it goes back to this moral relativism, which is very accepting of a variety of different lifestyles. And if you make the case that if you can do whatever you want to do, as long as it's in the privacy of your own home, this "right to privacy," then why be surprised that people are doing things that are deviant within their own home? If you say, there is no deviant as long as it's private, as long as it's consensual, then don't be surprised what you get. You're going to get a lot of things that you're sending signals that as long as you do it privately and consensually, we don't really care what you do. And that leads to a culture that is not one that is nurturing and necessarily healthy. I would make the argument in areas where you have that as an accepted lifestyle, don't be surprised that you get more of it.

So, the right to privacy means that we all go crazy and start molesting children and doing every other deviant thing under the sun. We can no longer have privacy in our own homes because he is out gunning for the deviants. I would say that the vast majority of people, liberal and conservative, are not deviant. If he wants to get em...he should get out of office and be a bounty hunter.


Blogger Bradley Herring said...

Being from Pennsylvania, I find my Senator to be the most morally despicable man in America. Yet people keep voting for him. I think most Americans have a bit of an issue with misplaced values.

8:31 PM  

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