Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Minnesota School Killer Upset About Teasing

You know, this is not about teasing at all. Didn't we all get teased for one thing or another? For zits, or being fat, or a nerd, or glasses. What kind of kids are we raising, that have no self esteem that some teasing would get to them to the point of killing people? I know that some of the teasing is way out of line, but it is never that much to push someone to murder. Once again, parents are too busy working, playing golf, etc. to pay enough attention to their kids to give them enough self esteem and the tools they need to deal with type of thing. Of course, you have some kids that are just plain messed up, but overall, no matter what, they don't have the skills to deal with the negative part of growing up. Lord, if I had the propensity to kill when I was teased, I would have cleared the school.



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